Urban Planning Innovation

Citizen participation in an architectural competition

By June 11. 2020 November 19th, 2020 No Comments

Public Participation by Electronic Means (PPVE) aims to involve residents in the design choices of the city of tomorrow. As part of its Concertation 3.0 plan, Vectuel is developing participatory democracy interfaces based on a 3D and immersive representation of the city of the future. Thus the usage expertise of local residents is added to that of expert technicians (architect / town planner / landscaper / acoustician, etc.)

  • A new public facility to develop?
  • A park or public spaces to renovate?
  • An urban renewal project?

Contact us to discuss your project and set up a personalized platform.

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4) Discover our use cases

Greater Paris Society

May 13. 2019

Greater Lyon

December 23. 2019

EPA Euromediterranean

April 29. 2022

Gare du Nord – Ceetrus – SNCF

December 23. 2019

Tram T1 – CD93

March 29. 2021

ANRU Garges

June 12. 2019

City of Clichy

June 11. 2019

DIVD Dreams of Urban Scenes

October 7. 2020

Town of Issy-les-Moulineaux

June 12. 2019

Arsenal ZAC in Rueil Malmaison

June 11. 2019

City of Sceaux

June 10. 2019

ANRU Choisy

June 12. 2019

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