Heart of the City projects

Understand / Value / Communicate

The Vectuel approach:

The basis of a project to overhaul a city center is to be able to understand the areas of transformation: shops, public spaces, facades in order to attract investors, help the decision of elected officials and include local residents. This is why our tools must be not only immersive but also educational and accessible to everyone.

  • The 3D representation allows the non-expert public to understand and take ownership of the project and the evolution of an urban center
  • The realistic representation of the existing and immersion at pedestrian level are essential factors for involving the user: city website, project center, public meeting, etc.
  • Multi-channel communication: our experiences allow intuitive web consultation to reach audiences who prefer this channel to a public meeting ( Mappr) but are also designed for event use in project houses, through QR codes on site panels or on a event ( 3D ModelVirtual Reality ).
Video presentation

The benefits of our tools

  • Decision support: The 3D model makes it possible to compare the different projects envisaged for the structuring elements of the projects: sharing of public space, emblematic buildings, real estate projects.
  • Attract investors: Locate the key sites and present the assets of your project.
  • Marketing of commercial spaces: build the future commercial dynamic of your city center with project leaders
  • Support change by facilitating the projection of current residents and new arrivals, by strengthening the link between projects and realities experienced by residents,
  • Build a support to attract a different audience far from the consultation bodies,
  • Raise digital awareness among as many people as possible and encourage the development of digital skills,
  • Lead and punctuate the project appropriation process with evolving, fun and educational tools and renewed content.

Our customers are talking about it

We worked with Vectuel to create a 3D digital model on the scale of the city center presenting the changing sites to investors and project leaders. This application is the support for very rich exchanges allowing us to promote our city and its potential.

Jean-Luc ADT - DGA Proximity and Technical ServicesSaint Dizier

A flagship experience

The immersive tour of the Sceaux city center project

Our references

City of Puteaux

May 13. 2019

ANRU Montbéliard

June 12. 2019

Future hospital district in Saint-Germain-en-Laye – Pichet and Sogeprom

June 10. 2019

Town of Blanc-Mesnil

June 13. 2019

City of Reims

June 10. 2019

City of Courneuve

June 12. 2019