
Choose, consult and communicate an urban project!

Immersion in urban projects
Decision support and simulation
Public communication
Territorial marketing

3D model is the ideal tool to support an urban project. Our 3D models help inform decisions, renew consultation and enable innovative communication of urban projects.

The Maquette3D solution

How does it work?

An interactive tool par excellence, the 3D model allows complete and totally free immersion in a project. 3D models are distributed on all web media, touch tables, laptops, touch screens, tablets or smartphones.

This tool can follow all stages of the project's life, from feasibility to marketing, establishing itself as a powerful tool for decision support, project management and valorization.

The advantages of the 3D Model

The universal communication tool for urban projects


Suitable for all audiences thanks to PC, touch table, cloud or general public web broadcasting!


Maquette3D supports the entire life of the urban project, from its design to its communication and can be updated as the project progresses.

Transversal uses

Maquette3D can serve several uses from the same data:
- Decision support: choose better thanks to virtual architectural competitions
- Public communication: bring to the public's attention the projects carried out by the community
- Territorial marketing: present in 3D the assets and projects of the territory

Aggregative tool

Maquette3D can integrate the projects of all stakeholders in a project (BIM, architect models, modeling by us, data from developers), all components of the project can be integrated into Maquette3D.

Test a 3D model Vectuel

An architectural competition for a public space in Lyon

They use Maquette3D

Competition of the Ecole du Coteau in Cachan

June 12. 2019

ZAC Pompidou le Mignon – Bouygues Immobilier

June 12. 2019

ZAC Amphitheater and Sansonnet – SAREMM

June 11. 2019

MIN from Nantes

June 11. 2019

South Valley of Greater Paris

December 23. 2019

ZAC Clichy Batignolles – PBA

May 13. 2019

City of Villejuif

June 12. 2019

Nemours switch – SNCF Réseau

June 12. 2019

All Maquette3D news

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