
Reinventing real estate sales

Virtual conference
Virtual reality
Sensory experience
Audio & video sensors
Network connection
3D holography

If today, we are all required to communicate through screens, teleporting and putting the body at the heart of communication through a true sensory immersion interface opens up considerable perspectives.

The LePod solution

How does it work?

Within an ergonomic capsule, the user is immersed in a virtual reality allowing them to communicate and discover a project in an incredibly immersive way by being connected in a virtual conference.

Thanks to VR associated with a digital and connected platform, the POD reinvents the discovery of a project, a product and its sales space.

They tested the experience

BNP Paribas Real Estate and IFS Retail Banking

Vectuel has developed a first connected holo-store applied to real estate sales in partnership with BNP Paribas Real Estate. The objective was to support and participate in the marketing of new and old apartments , residential and commercial real estate assets.

A holosale system with the POD is in progress at “2 Opéra” – 2, place de l’Opéra in Paris -. Integrated into the innovation program of the French and European leader, the banking agency offers its clients a more immersive, experiential, projective approach to the commercial relationship and also tests the use and advantages of this system in the customer journey.




The Pod

They tested the experience

The advantages of the Pod

The consumer experiences an innovative and convincing experience, which combines physical and digital experience.

Innovation and practicality for all your sales spaces

Necessary equipment (Hardware, VR headsets, touch screen, RGB sensor), designed with ergonomics adapted to the sale .

Dismantable, transportable, the POD device is open to all types of locations : agora, trade fairs, events, etc.

Hardware and software technical installation

fused reality operating system and a SaaS web platform (back and front office).

Collaborative and personalized sales experience

Creation of your own holo-sales and holo-presentation applications with the “POD KIT” development kit.

Open platform and creation of dedicated content based on the telepresence of salespeople , for a collaborative sales experience.

Real estate like you've never seen it!

Interactive and virtual presentation of urban planning or architectural operations of communities, real estate developers, construction and transport companies.

Save time by visiting the location virtually by bringing together the players in a real estate project.

The Pod team

Vectuel, French leader in professional 3D modeling

Côté France, a French signature in high-tech furniture

All the news from the Pod

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