Supporting the urban transformation of a Parisian district from its design to its communication.
The complex and ambitious transformation of this Parisian district requires 3D digital support carried out for several years on multiple media.
Decision support
Our approach
The complex and ambitious transformation of this Parisian district requires 3D digital support carried out for several years on multiple media. Decision support, change management but also public communication and promotion of the eco-district to investors are all challenges addressed by a combination of 3D tools.

Created for the SPLA Clichy Batignolles Aménagement, a 3D model first enabled dialogue between the project owner, the teams of architects, town planners and landscapers. This finalized model then made it possible to present the project to investors at the main real estate investment fairs (Mipim, Simi and Mapic in particular). But also to the general public during consultation meetings and in a dedicated project house. Multiple tools were created from this 3D model: immersive 3D web tours, presentation films, virtual reality applications which made it possible to support the life stages of this major project.

Following the life of this project since 2011, Vectuel has been able to implement a real 3D digital support strategy based on a renewed dialogue between the stakeholders designing this eco-district, innovative public communication and a strategic variation of tools according to temporality of the project and the target audiences.

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