Innovative identity and marketing

Vectuel supports the communication of the projects of REI Habitat, a pioneering real estate developer in wooden construction and new forms of housing.

Test our experiences

Webimmo Le Bivouac
Webimmo Le Black Pearl
Film The Piazza
The Hester movie

Our approach


REI Habitat is an innovative real estate developer created in 2009 in Montreuil. Founded on a strong ecological ambition, exploring wooden construction and new forms of housing, notably co-living, REI Habitat needs a digital identity in line with its values ​​of innovation and responsibility.


Vectuel has joined forces with ECEDI, a communications agency specializing in communications of general interest, to fundamentally renew the group's digital tools. A tailor-made website reflecting the development challenges of REI Habitat is gradually enriched with interactive applications presenting real estate programs and HD films. Thus allowing a strong capacity for projection in the achievements of REI Habitat but also an innovative marketing of them. All in a perfectly mastered graphic and technical universe.


A match between the digital tools and the group's innovation values, a strong capacity for projection in REI Habitat projects and a general coherence of the group's digital presence.

They trusted us

June 19. 2019 in Real Estate , Innovation , Marketing

Vectuel is developing its Webimmo real estate marketing solution!

With 5 years of experience in marketing solutions, Vectuel is developing its…
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June 4. 2019 in Transport , Urban planning , Events , Real estate , Innovation

Let’s discuss the Gare du Nord project

Vectuel designed a 3D model for the Gare du…
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