South Valley of Greater Paris

South Valley of Greater Paris

Vectuel is the digital partner of the economic development department of EPT Vallée Sud du Grand Paris. Vectuel created the 3D digital twin of the territory used during real estate trade shows. The online version of this interactive map is available on the city's website.


Project communication


Model3D, Film

Test our experiences

3D model
Interactive map of the city
April 1. 2022 in Urban Planning , Events , Innovation

A look back at MIPIM 2022

MIPIM 2022 was a great vintage, the weather was not good…
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December 17. 2021 in Urban Planning , Events , Innovation

“We must make the city intelligible to as many people as possible”

Specializing in 3D territorial models, Vectuel is located in Paris and Rennes. The agency participates…
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November 15. 2021 in Industry , Transport , Territory , Urban Planning , Innovation

The digital twins of Greater Paris on Unity

Check out this article published on the Unity Blog about our use of their technology…
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