Digitalization of urban policy
Since 2014, Vectuel has been supporting and advising the city of Puteaux in the digitalization of its urban policy, both in decision support, public communication and territorial marketing.
Consultation, communication
Our approach
Committed to an ambitious urban renewal policy, the city of Puteaux wanted to have a digital tool capable of helping, supporting and promoting this transformation.

The creation of a 3D model on a municipal scale making it possible to collect all the projects, in consultation with all stakeholders (promoters, SEM, etc.) then to create tools for understanding and valorization made it possible to respond to this ambition. A strategy at all stages of the life of urban projects, from design to public communication. With wide deployment: Mappr integrated on the city site, application dedicated to the flagship Bergères district, VR application displayed in the town hall hall, HD films... All Vectuel tools have been mobilized and coordinated to ensure the best possible digital support for these urban transformations.

The city of Puteaux today has a valuable 3D digital asset allowing it to manage its urban transformation. All local stakeholders participate in updating this tool. Public communication actions towards the population have been rewarded with numerous prizes and the link with those administered has been strongly renewed by these innovative practices.

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